Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18, 2012 (continued)

After Work:

It's like 8:30 pm and I wanted to go out and kick it with Joey so bad but it was just to cold out there.

This is my New York Weather Experince Post...LOL

Let me tell all you from back home in California. I'm freezing my butt off! Literally dudes! My ~beeping beep! It's just too dang cold here in New York. I'm hoping to get used to and learn how to dress for the weather. 

Thank goodness for that scoodie I made! I'm going to start making them for everyone for Christmas presents they are so AWESOME! Look at the picture from this morning's posts. 

Did you know if you've ever broke any bones, like I have, and then live in the cold; You'll understand what I'm talking about. If my feet get cold they start hurting so bad that I can hardly walk on them. I've broken the tops of my feet where my pinky toe is on both feet. 

Well He came back in because it's to cold out there. That's funny. I thought the same thing. So I get to kick it with him anyways. YEAH! So we are sitting watching some movies and having some munchies together. We are watching "The Wizard of Oz" and then going to watch "The Big Kahuna".I've never seen either or can remember seeing either of them. You know I was drunk for a few years straight there! Thank God I'm not like that anymore. Sober, anxious and More about all that in another blog.

10:08 pm ~ 

Working on my purse

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